• By Nicole
  • |
  • Jul. 27. 2018

Roman blinds are generally made from fabrics like silk, suede, cotton, linen and sometimes, wood. They are exposed to sunlight, dust and wind making it essential to clean and maintain them regularly. They look beautiful and are delicate. Such blinds are suitable for rooms like bedrooms and hallways. Their vibrancy, variety and timeless class make these blinds a popular choice. This post discusses some easy cleaning tips for roman blinds that you can undertake with household cleaning gadgets and products.

Maintenance Tips for Roman Blinds

  1. Weekly vacuuming

The easiest way to clean the roman blinds is vacuuming with a specialised upholstery attachment. This will remove dust film and loose dirt particles. Do this at least once a week to ensure the dirt does not settle into the folds of the fabric. This will make the fabric look dull and faded over time. Open the blinds completely and then slowly brush the fabric with the attachment in a downward motion. Pay attention to the edges and the bottom parts of the blinds where dust accumulates the most. You can use a feather duster for more precise cleaning along with the vacuum cleaner. If the fabric is embroidered, ensure that you are careful not to damage the embroidery work. Use the vacuum cleaner on a gentler setting for delicate thread work.

  1. Spot cleaning

Fabric roman blinds are prone to spots and stains that can happen for many reasons. Use a damp cloth if it is suitable for your blind fabric. Check the instructions manual for maintenance of your roman blinds to make sure it is not susceptible to damage from water. Use special cleaners specifically created for the fabric material of your blinds. You cannot machine wash the blinds and shades and the best solution is to manually clean stains and spots as soon as possible. While certain stains can be removed with a damp cloth, stubborn stains need special cleaners to be cleaned.

  1. Steam cleaning

Fabrics that are intolerant to water can be cleaned through a steam cleaning technique. Usually, fabrics marked with (P) should be professionally dry cleaned. If you don’t have easy access to dry cleaning or aren’t able to afford it, steam cleaning is a great alternative. You will need a steamer for this, but it is a worthy investment. Make sure to control the amount of steaming as too much can scald the fabric or make it too damp.

  1. Dry cleaning

Utilize professional dry-cleaning services if you have roman blinds made from sensitive fabrics. Trying to clean them on your own may damage them. Regular dusting is not enough, and you will have to thoroughly clean them periodically. Hire professionals if you are not confident or have blinds which are too delicate. Check with your dry cleaner service whether they have the infrastructure to clean blinds.

Proper maintenance and cleaning of roman blinds can extend their longevity and prevent colour fading. Direct exposure to sunlight makes them susceptible to wear and tear and fading colour. The cleaning tips are easy to follow and should be done frequently. Cleaning methods slightly vary from one type to another depending on the fabric and design of the blind. Professional solutions are hassle free but frequent dusting and spot cleaning is necessary to maintain the vibrancy of the fabric for a long time.

  1. Stain Removal

Although uncommon, stains on window blinds can happen. If you’re dealing with a Roman blind, try rubbing the stained area gently with a soft damp (preferably microfibre) cloth until you see it disappearing. In case of more stubborn stains, use a fabric stain remover. Make sure you choose one suitable for the particular window treatment fabric to prevent damaging it. Also, check the manufacturer’s instructions. Be careful or you run the risk of ending up with a spot that might be lighter than the rest of the blinds.

  1. Machine Wash

If your Roman blinds are made from a fabric that can be machine washed, just remove them from their hardware and do so. Be sure to get rid of all the dowels to avoid damaging them. For effective cleaning, use warm water with a mild liquid detergent as powdered ones may not dissolve thoroughly and leave residue behind.

Once washed, rinse the blinds in cold water before placing them in the dryer. Our experts recommend the lowest heat setting to avoid damaging the fabric. Once the drying cycle is complete, your Roman blinds are ready to be hung up.

  1. Professional Cleaning

If your Roman blinds cannot be machine washed, such as those made using linen, silk or wool, it’s best to have them dry cleaned. This ensures deep cleaning without harming the fabric. Dry cleaning is also recommended for window treatments that may be heavily soiled or stained. This cleaning method ensures your Roman blinds stay in great shape for years.